Education – Smooth Transition to Online
Posted Jul 02, 2020
Our Education graduate courses have been “blended” (part face-to-face, part online) for years, so our Education faculty have experience and expertise in online pedagogy. Due to the pandemic, we made a swift transition to fully online teaching and learning. The use of our synchronous tools maintains the high-impact practice of collaboration with video and sharing tools, so we haven’t missed a beat in transitioning to fully online learning while maintaining who we are and what we believe. We collaborate, we build a community of learners, and we work alongside our students.
As one of our graduate students wrote: “I just wanted to say thank you for all of the support Otterbein has offered during these uncertain times. I truly love this University and the professors I’ve been blessed to know as I pursue my MAE. Your professors and the Department of Education have continued to provide a rigorous curriculum, excellent teaching, and an open-door policy which make me feel I can call on them at any time. I am so proud to be a part of this community! Thanks for all you and your team do to make continuing education exciting, attainable, and inclusive.”
– EDUCATION Graduate Director Dee Knoblauch