Ashni Patel Earns National Honor for Academics and Campus Involvement

Posted Sep 02, 2022

By Kailey Mishler ’24

Ashni Patel
Ashni Patel

Alpha Lambda Delta national honor society recently recognized Ashni Patel, a junior biochemistry and molecular biology major at Otterbein, for her involvement and academic success on campus. She received the Jo Anne J. Trow Undergraduate Scholarship, which is awarded to outstanding members of Alpha Lambda Delta chapters across the nation.

Patel has been a member of many programs and clubs across campus. She is vice president and former service chair for the Otterbein’s chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta. She is also an event coordinator for CardinalCorps, leader of the Girls Club mentoring program, and the president of the Women in Science club.

“The positions have allowed me to be a more integrated student at Otterbein and give other students the opportunity to also be part of different organizations. I was always very involved with volunteering through high school, and CardinalCorps allowed me to continue that passion through college,” said Patel.

The CardinalCorps Leaders are a dedicated group of Otterbein students that demonstrate a desire to serve the community, excel in academic scholarship, and act as leaders of volunteerism on campus. Twenty students from all class years coordinate weekly service programs, from mentoring youths to working with homeless pets.

Ashni Patel
Ashni Patel

Patel hopes to use the skills she has learned in her other leadership positions in her new role as the newly appointed vice president of Otterbein’s chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta.

“I am excited to incorporate the skills I have learned from CardinalCorps and Women in Science into my vice presidential role at Alpha Lambda Delta. I hope to grow our membership on campus and make students aware of the numerous opportunities made available to them through this honors society,” said Patel.

She has also been able to connect her involvement on campus with her future goals.

“My career goals have always aligned with science, so I decided to restart the Women in Science club on campus to allow women across all scientific fields to have a chance to connect with other women and hear from women who have been successful already. This fosters a community that encourages the career goals and aspirations of women in a field that is stigmatized,” Patel said.

In addition, Patel is also interning with Women for Economic Leadership and Development (WELD). WELD is an organization that serves to develop women’s leadership as a way to strengthen women’s economic status throughout the community.

“Through this internship, I have been able to meet many successful businesswomen. I help organize events that are put on by the company and help with any behind-the-scenes jobs,” said Patel.

After Patel leaves Otterbein, she plans to attend medical school beginning in fall 2024. Patel is enrolled at Otterbein through the Early Assurance program with Ohio University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine, so she is guaranteed admission into the program.