June Bug Jamboree | June 22, 2019

Join us for a summer afternoon on the picturesque property of Helen Hilt LeMay ’47 in Waynesville, OH. The Jamboree is dedicated to the life and memory of Bill LeMay ’48.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

  • 4 pm – Nature hike with Bob Henn ’57 to explore the LeMay’s beautiful gardens
  • 5:30 pm – Catered picnic

Cost: $15 per adult; $6 for children 6-10; Free for children 5 and under.

To register, please contact Laurie Draper at 614.823.1650.


Registered attendees as of 6.13.19:

Guest Name and Class Year


Mrs. Gail Bunch Arledge 1956

Col. Robert L. Arledge 1955

Mrs. Elizabeth Smyth Comer 1968

Mr. Michael G. Comer 1968

Mr. Steven R. Crawford, Executive Director of Alumni Relations

Mrs. Margaret Morgan Doone 1972

Mr. Richard E. Doone

David Eby

Mr. James Eby

Mrs. Sonya Stauffer Evans 1956

Mr. William L. Evans 1956

Mr. Kyle Forrester, Major Gift Officer

Mrs. Marie Bowman Griesmeyer 1956

Charlotte Grinch

Mr. Stephen D. Grinch 1998

Andrew Heckler

Mrs. Margaret Curtis Henn 1957

Mr. Robert L. Henn 1957

Mrs. Doris Jean Gorsuch Hubbard 1963

Millie Hughes

Mr. James M. Kay 1962

Ms. Debra Kay Lamp 1988

Ms. H. Bonnie Larkins 1973

Mrs. Anita Shannon Leland 1955

Mrs. Helen Hilt LeMay 1947

Mr. George E. Liston 1952

Mrs. Jane Devers Liston 1954

Mrs. Virginia Phillippi Longmire 1955

Mrs. Constance Myers Mentzer 1960

Col. Edward L. Mentzer 1958

Mr. Frank G. Mione 1954

Linda Mione

Hylda Mosier-Strange 1960

Mr. Vernon L. Pack 1950

Beth Patton

Mrs. Elizabeth Raeske-Grinch 1996

Ms. Sandra Wilson Ralph 1963

Mrs. Nancy Longmire Seibert 1952

Mr. W. James Shand 1951

Dr. Wendy Sherman Heckler, Provost and Senior Vice President

Rev. Harvey B. Smith 1955

Mr. Lee E. Snyder 1957

Ruth Snyder

Jerry Strange 1958

Harold Stockman

Mrs. Norma Smith Stockman 1963

Ms. Candice A. Sweet

Mr. Howard D. Tallentire 1959

Sylvia Tallentire



Honoring the 50th Reunion

Details for the Class of 1969 >