Request an Appointment

We encourage you to contact a friend, faculty, staff or family member, or the Otterbein Police (614-823-1222) to stay with you until help arrives. The EMS Professionals will determine with you the next steps to insure your safety.

To schedule an appointment, you may complete and submit the registration form below, or send an email to You can also call 614-823-1333 or stop by our office, located at 146 W Home St. We will respond by email or phone within 24 business hours.

The Counseling Center business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. We will respond to your request within 24 business hours. Students may also come to the Counseling Center at 11 am, Monday-Friday for an urgent walk-in session. Urgent sessions are for students who are not in immediate danger, but whose symptoms and/or situations require urgent attention. If a student comes to the Counseling Center with an urgent concern outside of these times, we will schedule them to see a counselor as soon as the next counselor becomes available.