Otterbein University has a shared governance system consisting of faculty, staff, students, and administrators
A cornerstone of our shared governance is an equal representation ration of faculty to students. In this governance model, all Otterbein students are members of the Student Assembly. The Student Assembly is represented by the Otterbein University Student Government.
The purpose of Student Government is to serve as the representative assembly of the student body, vested with the powers and responsibilities to represent their constituency according to the Bylaws of the University Senate. We encourage all Otterbein students to connect with their Student Government representatives and officers, voice their questions and concerns, and to participate in one of the many University committees with student members.
There are many ways to get involved in Student Government. Some individuals will run for office to be elected, some Senators are appointed, and still other students have the opportunity to be appointed to University committees through Student Government. If you have any questions on getting involved with Student Government please contact the executive officers at
Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved in Student Government. Some individuals will run for office to be elected, some Senators are appointed, and still other students have the opportunity to be appointed to University committees through Student Government. If you have any questions on getting involved with Student Government please contact the executive officers at
There are two elections held each year, the Primary Election in the spring term and the Fall Election at the beginning of fall term. All officers and a majority of all Senators are elected in the spring. Incoming first-year students can learn more about running for office during their orientation this summer.
For more information about these organizations, please contact the Center for Student Engagement at
Officers & Senators
Otterbein University Student Government consists of 60 students, elected or appointed, to serve as the representative body for all Otterbein Students.
Student Government Executive Officers

Yasmeen Khafagy, President

Rowan Ratvasky, Vice President

Skye Hamilton, Secretary

Dezmon Howard, Treasurer
Student Government Positions
The remainder of Student Government are the Senators, elected or appointed, to represent various constituency groups on campus. From among these Senators, a Speaker and Parliamentarian are elected each year.
The Speaker will be a Senator nominated and elected by the Senators at the first meeting of the Student Government after Inauguration. The Speaker will serve as a member of the Executive Committee and serve as a representative of the Senators of the Student Government.
The Parliamentarian will be a Senator nominated and elected by the Senators at the first meeting of the Student Government after Inauguration. The Parliamentarian will serve as an officer of the Student Government with all of the same voting rights and responsibilities of other Senators.
Senator Positions
- 1st Year (elected in fall)
- 2nd Year
- 3rd Year
- 4th/4+ Year
- Graduate (appointed)
- Athlete (appointed)
- International (elected in fall)
- Military
- Adult
- Part-Time
- Transfer
- Commuter
- Off-Campus
- Residential
Student Organization
- Academic & Professional
- Community Service
- Creative & Performing Arts
- Cultural & Diversity
- Fraternity & Sorority (appointed)
- Honor Societies
- Religious & Spiritual
- Special Interest
- Sport Club
- Sports and Recreation
There are five standing committees of the Otterbein University Student Government. Membership on these committees consists of Senators or officers, faculty, staff, and administrators. Otterbein students are also appointed to serve on other University committees through Student Government.

Executive Committee
- Purpose – To oversee the general direction of the Student Government.
- Chair – President
- Membership – The four (4) Executive Officers, the Speaker, and the two (2) Student Trustees
Allocations Committee
- Purpose – To oversee the allocation of Student Government’s Student Life funds to recognized student organizations.
- Chair – The Treasurer shall chair the Allocations committee.
- Membership – Senators and other assemblies’ representatives as outlined in the Bylaws.
Elections Committee
- Purpose – To oversee the elections process of Student Government and monitor Officers and Senators in the fulfillment of their responsibilities.
- Chair – The Vice President shall chair the Elections Committee.
- Membership – Senators and other assemblies’ representatives as outlined in the Bylaws.
Campus Services and Student Experience Committee
- Purpose – To oversee campus services affecting student life and the Campus Life Handbook, to oversee the student experience, serving as an advocate for student concerns.
- Chair – The Chair shall be a Senator elected by the committee.
- Membership – Senators and other assemblies’ representatives as outlined in the Bylaws.
Student Organization Development Committee
- Purpose – To oversee the recognition and engagement of Otterbein’s student organizations and advocate for student involvement in the campus experience.
- Chair – The Chair shall be a Senator elected by the committee.
- Membership – Senators and other assemblies’ representatives as outlined in the Bylaws.
Dining Advisory Board
- Purpose: To respond to concerns and solicit feedback about on-campus dining, recommend to the University Senate policies and regulations with regard to dining on campus, and work with the contracted dining services on campus to promote positive dining experiences.
- Chair: The chair shall be a Senator elected by the committee.
- Membership: Senators and other assemblies’ representatives as outlined in the Bylaws, non-OUSG student representatives.
Note: Under Otterbein University’s student governance requirements (2015), all recognized student organizations* are open to any student regardless of background, identity, or affiliation (including but not limited on the basis of age, gender, race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, military status, or veteran status). These same requirements apply to all University support services.
*Social fraternity and sorority memberships at higher education institutions are exempt from this requirement.