Critical Dispositions
In addition to standards that guide the preparation and licensure of candidates’ knowledge of content and ability to teach, candidates are also evaluated on critical dispositions essential for success in education.
Critical Dispositions are defined by NCATE/CAEP as “attitudes, beliefs, values, and commitments that influence behaviors.” We expect these dispositions to be evidenced in the field as candidates practice their professional skills, and they will be assessed in every field experience.
Critical dispositions are evaluated through the Candidate Preservice Assessment of Student Teaching (CPAST) during student teaching and through a similar instrument prior to student teaching (Pre-CPAST). Both CPAST and Pre-CPAST were developed and validated through The Ohio State University.
CPAST and Pre-CPAST Assessments of Critical Dispositions
CPAST and Pre-CPAST Categories K-N will be evaluated in every field-based course.
Professional Commitment and Behaviors
K. Demonstrates Punctuality
Reports on time for experience AND Additional teacher engagements (e.g., IEPs, teacher committees)
L. Meets Deadlines and Obligations
Meets deadlines and obligations established by the cooperating teacher, instructor, and/or supervisor AND informs all stakeholders (cooperating teacher, supervisor, instructor, and/or faculty members) of absences prior to the absence.
Professional Relationships
M. Collaboration
Demonstrates collaborative relationships with cooperating teacher AND/OR members of the school community (other teachers, school personnel, administrators, etc.) AND Attempts to work with and learn from colleagues in planning and implementing instruction.
Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice
N. Responds Positively to Feedback and Constructive Criticism
Is receptive to feedback, constructive criticism, supervision, and responds professionally AND Incorporates feedback (e.g., from cooperating teacher, university supervisor) to improve practice.