Barbara Schaffner, PhD

Professor Emerita
Department of Nursing
- PhD, Nursing, The Ohio State University, 1992
- Post-Master's PNP, The Ohio State University, 1996
- MSN, Nursing, Indiana University, 1981
- BSN, Nursing, University of Cincinnati, 1977
Research, Creative, & Professional Work
- Promoting child health
- Nutrition/obesity
- Technology enhanced teaching & effects on student learning
- Vogt, M., Chavez, R. & Schaffner, B, "The lived experience of the baccalaureate student nurse in a service-learning immersion at a camp for children with diabetes",Pediatric Nursing
- Schaffner, B., Vogt, M., Ribar, A. & Chavez, R., "The Impact of Podcasting on the Learning and Satisfaction of Undergraduate Nursing Students",Nursing Education in Practice. 10, 38-42.
Affiliations & Awards
- Service to the Profession of Nursing Award, 2009
- Kappa Lambda Chapter
- Sigma Theta Tau International, Nurse Educator of the Year, 2008
- Ohio Association of Advanced Practice Nurses
- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner of the Year, State of Ohio, 2007
- Ohio Chapter of the National Association of Nurse Practitioners
- President, Ohio Council of Deans & Directors of Baccalaureate & Higher Degree Programs
- Policy Chairperson, Ohio Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Sigma Theta Tau International (nursing honorary)
- American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
- American College of Nurse Practitioners.
- American and Ohio Nurses' Associations.