- Bennett J, Saunders C. 2019. A virtual tour of the cell: impact of virtual reality on student learning and engagement in the stem classroom. J. Microbiol. Biol. Educ. 20(2): doi:10.1128/jmbe.v20i2.1658
- Bennett, J. A., Kandell, G. V.*, Kirk, S. G.*, McCormick, J. R. 2018. Visual and Microscopic Evaluation of Streptomyces Developmental Mutants. J. Vis. Exp. (139), e57373, doi:10.3791/57373.
- Saunders, C. P. and J. A. Bennett. The Immersive Experience - How Virtual Reality Can Support Student Learning. Educational Media and Technology Yearbook. Invited Book Chapter Accepted to Educational Media and Technology Yearbook.
- Hull, T.D.*, Min-Hyung Ryu, M. J. Sullivan*, N.T. Klena*, R.C. Johnson*, R.M. Geiger, M. Gomelsky and J.A. Bennett. 2012. C-di-GMP Phosphodiesterases RmdA and RmdB are Involved in Regulating Colony Morphology and Development inStreptomyces coelicolor. J. Bacteriology.194:4642-51.
- Bennett, J. A. and J. R. McCormick. Identification of novel developmental genes using a high efficiencyin vivotransposon system inStreptomyces coelicolor. Manuscript in final revision prior to submission to J. Bacteriology.
- Bennett, J.A. Successfully Combining Start-up Faculty Research with Undergraduate Research. Fall 2010. Invited article published in CURQ Focus on the Web.31:1-4.
- Bennett, J. A., J. Yarnall^, A. B. Cadwallader*, R. Kuennen*, P. Bidey*, B. Stadelmaier*, and J. R. McCormick. 2009. Medium-dependent phenotypes ofStreptomyces coelicolorwith mutations inftsIorftsW. J. Bacteriology.191:661-664.
- Bennett, J. A., R. M. Aimino* and J. R. McCormick. 2007.Streptomyces coelicolorgenesftsLanddivICplay a role in cell division, but are dispensable for colony formation. J. Bacteriology.189:8982-8992.
- Bennett, J. A. and J. R. McCormick. 2001. Two new loci affecting cell division identified as suppressors of anftsQ-null mutation inStreptomyces coelicolorA3(2). FEMS Microbiology Letters.202:251-256.
(*Indicates Undergraduate Co-Authors and ^ Master of Science Student Co-Author)