October 27th Proclaimed Friends of the Library Day at Otterbein
Posted Oct 27, 2022
On October 26th, at the Friends of the Library Common Book Author event, a new proclamation from Otterbein President John Comerford was announced: that October 27th would be the Friends of the Otterbein University Courtright Memorial Library Day.
The Friends of the Library have been instrumental in supporting the library in the 20+ years since they formed. They have funded library renovations, furniture, archival projects, staffing, and equipment for check-out, among other things. They support the library Bike Share program, paying the associated fees so that students would no longer need to do so. And, of course, in 2021 their Textbook Affordability Endowment, created to alleviate the financial burden of high-cost textbooks, was formally vested, providing money to purchase those textbooks for student use.
The full text of the proclamation can be read below. Be sure to thank a Friend today for everything they do for the Otterbein community and consider becoming one of those Friends by joining today!
Friends of the Otterbein University Courtright Memorial Library Day
October 27, 2022
Whereas, Friends of the Otterbein University Courtright Memorial Library raise money that enables our library to move from good to great – providing additional resources to support special collections, additional programming and special events throughout the year;
Whereas, the work of the Friends highlights on an on-going basis the fact that our library serves as the intellectual center of campus — connecting students with the thoughts, ideas, and intellectual contributions of others from ages past and to the present;
Whereas, the Friends understand the critical importance of a well funded library and work to articulate that importance to ensure that our library gets the resources it needs to provide a wide variety of services including access to print and electronic materials, along with expert assistance in research;
Whereas, the very gift of the Friends’ time and commitment to the library sets an example for all in how volunteerism leads to positive civic engagement and the overall betterment of campus life;
Now, therefore, be it resolved that President Comerford proclaims October 27, 2022, as Friends of the Otterbein University Courtright Memorial Library Day, and urges everyone on campus to join and support the Friends of the Library and thank them for all they do to enrich our library and, therefore, enhance academic achievement.