“For the Love of Otterbein” Breaks Down Barriers to Help Students Succeed
Posted Feb 08, 2021
Otterbein University has launched a new fundraising initiative to break down barriers to student success during the pandemic.
COVID-19 has turned life upside down on college campuses everywhere. At Otterbein, our students have faced their own set of challenges and barriers over the past year — from job losses to lacking adequate technology for remote learning to simply not having funds for basic needs like food, gas, and rent.
As the pandemic unfolded over the past year, we learned that many of our students were forced to choose between continuing their Otterbein educations or taking care of necessities. Many were faced with helping their families cope with the fallout from the pandemic, as well.
We believe our students’ education and their dreams shouldn’t have to be derailed. The key to each chapter of Otterbein’s history is that we come together to serve our students. We believe in protecting opportunity and we know investing in all students isn’t only the smart thing to do — it’s the right thing to do.
With this goal in mind, the “For the Love of Otterbein: The Time is Now” initiative was created to help meet the most pressing needs of our students.
In December, President Comerford called on alumni and friends of the University to considering supporting the initiative, sharing “if ever there were a time to support the University you love, the time is now.”
The effort offers supporters a number of areas that directly impact students and the campus community. To learn more and consider how you might make an impact, visit www.otterbein.edu/thetimeisnow.