Kneading Minds is a Labor of Love for Honors Students 

Posted Jul 03, 2024

By Maggie Nicol ‘25 

Flour-dusted countertops, the imprints of loving hands, and the aroma of freshly baked bread. Kneading Minds is an Honors Program student-led organization on campus. Students who are part of the program bake and sell bread to faculty, staff, and students, as well as donating loaves to Westerville Area Resource Ministry (W.A.R.M.).  

Political Science major Abbie Long ’27 is not only a member of the Honors Program but also coordinates bake days and helps to recruit volunteers.  

“The money we make goes to buy ingredients for Kneading Minds. We also donate to W.A.R.M, but the hope for this organization is that we can instill life lessons by teaching people how to bake bread,” said Long.  

Long learned about Kneading Minds through her Honors First Year Seminar. “I was very interested as a freshman; I really enjoy baking so that’s why I became a part of it. Through this organization, I realize what a labor of love it is to bake bread,” she said. 

Not only does this organization allow students to give to others, but it also teaches students key skills that they can carry into life after they graduate from Otterbein. Lessons like patience, that it’s okay to make mistakes, and the importance of volunteer service.  

“Being a part of Kneading Minds has taught me how to plan ahead, allocate to others, and has put me in the shoes to think of how much work local businesses have to put in and the importance of shopping at small businesses,” said Long. 

Long hopes to create more events in the fall semester and to continue to give to food pantries. “Food prep is a big job and takes more time than people realize. Working with Kneading Minds has made me more grateful for the foods that I eat,” she said.