The Changing Nursing Workforce 

Posted Sep 27, 2023

Did you know that a nurse was on The New York Times bestselling authors list most of this past summer? Hadley Vlahos, a hospice RN (registered nurse) and alumna of Northwest Florida State College, described her clinical expertise and compassionate care in her book, The In-Between. She shares heartfelt stories that ultimately focus on life’s transitional moments, encouraging readers to find beauty and acceptance during these challenging times.  

Hadley Vlahos, RN

Throughout the U.S., nurses in hospital work are feeling underappreciated and understaffed, leading to an exodus from the intensive and acute care areas within state hospitals. The McKinsey Frontline Workforce Survey of Inpatient RNs has consistently reported a higher intent to leave than the average of all surveyed RNs. In the most recent pulse survey of inpatient RNs, intent to leave rose again, from 35% in fall 2022 to over 40% in March 2023. 

Thein Between

The top concerns for nurses were work flexibility, safety, and being appreciated. Health organizations throughout the nation have been creatively answering these needs. Nationally, funding has been dedicated to training nursing educators to support the need for new nurses. 

“In 2022, the US Department of Labor budgeted $80 million to encourage not-for-profit organizations, educational institutions, and tribal organizations to apply for grants of up to $6 million each to train current and former nurses to become nursing educators and frontline healthcare workers to train for nursing careers.17 The program emphasizes increasing workforce diversity and building partnerships with community-based organizations and training institutions.”

As fall begins, tuck away your beach reads for next summer, send supportive thoughts to our hardworking nurses, and call in your book club buddies to read this positive expression of the nursing profession and role.  

Regina Prusinski, DNP, RN, CPNP-AC, FNP-BC

Graduate Director, Nursing