Tony Bishop III ’15, MSAH ’18 Creates Scholarship for Black Students to Study at University of Oxford, UK 

Posted Jun 05, 2024

Maggie Nicol ’25 

Imagine a world where people have access to affordable education, an amplified voice, and their dreams become a reality. Alumnus Tony Bishop has worked to reshape the landscape so that Black students can have brighter futures. 

After earning his bachelor’s degree in communication in 2015 and master’s degree in allied health in 2018 from Otterbein, Bishop applied and was accepted into the University of Oxford (United Kingdom) Diplomatic Studies program in 2019.  

Due to high costs and the demands for tuition upfront, Bishop had to let go of the opportunity he had his heart set on. He went on to an impressive career in public service in Ohio, Washington, D.C., and internationally. 

He also has worked to create a scholarship that would fund the same opportunity he didn’t have for two Black students through the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF), a nonprofit organization that supports leadership development and focuses on allowing young Black students to participate in internship programs, fellowship programs for graduate students or those who have completed a master’s or Ph.D. program, and scholarships for those who meet eligibility criteria. 

Bishop chose to establish the scholarship with the CBCF because of his previous experience with the nonprofit. While working in the Ohio State House in 2019, he applied for a CBCF fellowship. “I didn’t think I was going to get it. Everybody was so qualified. I put my best foot forward. I talked about my experience. I ended up being selected as a fellow,” he said. 

Now a reality, the scholarship is a generous grant that covers all costs for students and a stipend to meet any extra necessities that a student would need. Early in 2024, a partnership between the U.S. and U.K. culminated, formalizing the partnership in Oxford and London. 

“Lack of talent in the Black community isn’t the problem, but lack of opportunity,” Bishop said.  

“Not only is there obviously a gap with Black students being able to access opportunities, but from my experience, in the Midwest, we don’t know about these opportunities that exist in D.C. and New York,” he added. 

To students who are considering applying for the scholarship, Bishop advises them to highlight their experiences and what they hope to gain by studying abroad. This not only shows they have a true interest but also emphasizes skills they hope to bring back to the U.S. 

“I’m just trying to make sure that everybody knows (about the scholarship), so if there’s something that you wanted to do, then you can do it. Always try to shoot your shot because if you don’t, then you can’t compete. The goal with this is to support people and help give people opportunities that I’ve learned about over the years that I didn’t know existed,” he said.