Rev. April Casperson, ’03

Rev. Casperson


Rev. April Casperson serves as the Director of Enrollment Management at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio. She is an ordained deacon passionate about diversity and inclusion, vocational discernment, and the organizations and systems that recruit, educate and equip leaders for thoughtful, intentional ministry. Rev. Casperson previously served as Director of Diversity and Inclusion for the West Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church and the Vice President of Institutional Advancement at Methodist Theological School in Ohio.

Rev. Casperson has completed doctoral coursework in higher education administration from Ohio University. She has completed a Master of Divinity and a Master of Theological Studies from Methodist Theological School in Ohio, as well as a BA from Otterbein University in history and philosophy. She recently wrote The Sanctuary for Lent 2021 and has contributed to several Abingdon bible studies and books, including the Connected Faith bible study app and Almost Christmas: A Wesleyan Advent Experience.