First Year Experience (FYE) Program Information
The First Year Experience program at Otterbein is a comprehensive program to support all aspects of a student’s transition into the Otterbein community. The program focuses on both classroom and out of class resources and experiences to ensure the success of all new students. The First Year Seminar is a signature component of the FYE program and serves as the beginning course in the Integrative Studies curriculum. It guides your transition into Otterbein University classrooms and communities. Through a network of supportive resources, including a First Year Seminar, FYE nurtures your academic skills and passions, and immerses you in the life of the college. The program encourages you to explore yourself and world, your beliefs and values, and your educational and professional goals. It also asks you to think about what it means to be responsible to yourself, to Otterbein, and to local and global communities.
FYE Events Calendar
The transition into the Otterbein community involves many elements, both inside and outside of the classroom. Co-curricular experiences have always been valued as an important part of a student’s educational experience – so the FYE program has significant co-curricular programming to deliver on the overall program goals.
Each week, there are set events that peer mentors will present to students on successful tips for transitioning to college. First Year Students must attend three of these events in their first semester on campus.
Questions about events? Email or call 614-823-1624.
For more information about co-curricular programming or transition support, please contact Jennifer Bechtold, 614-823-1624, or David Bahgat, 614-823-1520,
Student Learning Outcomes | University Learning Goals (KMERI*) |
Goal One: To connect you to the resources that promote belonging, wellness, personal development, and success in the first year. | Responsible |
Goal 1: Outcome 1: You will encounter resources that promote academic success and personal development. | Responsible |
Goal 1: Outcome 2: You will establish a productive relationship with a peer mentor and your course instructor. | Engaged |
Goal Two: To inspire intellectual curiosity and to introduce you to the richness and rigor of an Otterbein education. | Engaged, Inquisitive |
Goal 2: Outcome 1: You will develop skills essential to academic success and lifelong learning | Inquisitive |
Goal 2: Outcome 2: You will be introduced to the concepts of integrative learning and the mission and goals of the Integrative Studies Program | Engaged |
Goal Three: To explore diverse communities and identities and consider what it means to be a global citizen. | Responsible |
Goal 3: Outcome 1: You will consider what it means to be an Otterbein student, with reference to the history, culture and values of the institution. | Responsible |
Goal 3: Outcome 2: You will consider what it means to be a citizen of the Otterbein community, the Westerville community, and beyond. | Responsible |
Goal 3: Outcome 3: You will encounter a variety of worldviews that arise from differences of culture and circumstance. Such difference include but are not limited to race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, religion, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, and geographic region. | Responsible, Inquisitive |
*NOTE: KMERI refers to Otterbein's learning goals. It stands for Knowledgeable, Multi-literate, Engaged, Responsible, and Inquisitive. To learn more about KMERI, visit our University Learning Goals page.